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Shelly BLU Door/Window Smart Sensor
Shelly BLU Motion Smart Sensor
Shelly BLU Smart Button
Shelly BLU USB Gateway
Shelly Button 1 Wi-Fi Smart Button
Shelly DS18B20 Temperature Probe
Shelly H&T Gen 3 Wi-Fi Humidity and Temperature Smart Sensor
Shelly H&T Wi-Fi Humidity and Temperature Smart Sensor
Shelly Plus 1 Wi-Fi Smart Relay with Dry Contact Input
Shelly Plus 1PM Wi-Fi Smart Relay with Power Metering
Shelly Plus 2PM Wi-Fi Smart Relay with Power Metering
Shelly Plus H&T Wi-Fi Humidity and Temperature Smart Sensor
Shelly Plus i4 DC Wi-Fi 4 Digital Inputs Smart Module
Shelly Plus i4 UL Wi-Fi 4 Digital Inputs Smart Module
Shelly Plus UNI Wi-Fi Universal Smart Module
Shelly Plus W-Fi Smart Outlet with Power Metering
Shelly Pro 1 Wi-Fi, LAN, Bluetooth DIN Rail Smart Relay
Shelly Pro 1PM Wi-Fi, LAN, Bluetooth DIN Rail Smart Relay with Power Metering
Shelly Pro 2 Wi-Fi, LAN, Bluetooth DIN Rail Smart Relay
Shelly Pro 2PM Wi-Fi, LAN, Bluetooth DIN Rail Smart Relay with Power Metering
Shelly RGBW2 Wi-Fi Smart Controller for LED Strips
Shelly TRV Wi-Fi Thermostatic Radiator Valve
Shelly UNI Wi-Fi Universal Smart Module
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